Happy Holidays

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Oh Cherry Oh

It was a bargain I just couldn't pass up.  A jelly roll  and a honey bun of fabric at sale prices tempted me to add some very bright material to my stash collection.  That was over a year ago, and I've been searching since for a pattern that would work for me.

I looked for something new, a pattern that I'd never used before and also something that would make use of both rolls of fabric and hopefully a bit of stash.

Finally I found a pattern that was new to me.  It uses a ruler to cut pieced strips into triangles.  These triangles are then sewn together into squares.  I wanted a patchwork look so it didn't matter to me whether the seams matched, which also made the work go a lot faster.  Still, I played with the blocks to make sure my colors were evenly distributed around the quilt top.

When the center of the quilt was finished I had four jelly roll strips left.  I wanted to use all so I had no pieces left over.  However, four strips weren't enough for another border.  They were all different colors of the same design so I went stash searching to find a solid red that could be used to stretch four strips into some kind of a border.  The result was an eye popping checkered border.

I was quite happy to be making use of my stash instead of adding to it.  I love putting my own touches to a quilt and know that it's a unique design that won't be seen in someone else's work.  Even though the center is of a standard pattern my border sets it apart and makes it an original.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! It reminds me of Mary Englebreit. I just love her artwork.
