Happy Holidays

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I'd like One-- Please

A fancy quilt includes a few patches with rhinestones.
It started as a lark--A non-quilting friend who says things like: "I bought a whack of fabric," "a ball of thread," and  doesn't know that there is a correct way to thread her sewing machine, decided to cut up old jeans to make herself a quilt.  Sometimes the best ideas come from those who think outside the box, or even those who don't think at all.  None of the blocks were the same size and for sure her seams were no where close to matching.  For Elaine it didn't matter, wasn't important, if one strip was longer than the last, "just chop it off."

And so the idea was born to use old jeans and new flannel to make a scrap, rag quilt.  Gathering the jeans was no problem at all.  I worked at an elementary school and donations from students, staff, and a contact with the local Salvation Army store brought more than one could hope for.

Jared loves his quilt.

Word has traveled far and wide that I collect used jeans.  People are now saving their old ones for me.  I cut them up and store them for the next person who mutters they'd appreciate having one too.  it's also a great project for the young who want to learn how to sew.
My six year old grandson is making himself a flannel rag quilt.
I cut my jean and flannel blocks into 6 1/2 inch squares and the batting squares to 5 inches.  I need 120 of each to make a 10 x 12 block quilt.  After I sandwich my blocks of jeans/batting/flannel I begin sewing an "X" on each square and continue using the well know rag quilt pattern.  The jeans fray so nicely once the edges are clipped.  The finished frayed edges make a beautiful quilt that's tough as nails and heavy too.

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