Happy Holidays

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Onion Snow

As I was checking out at the PetSmart store in Carlisle the cashier told me snow was predicted for our area.  She said she hoped it was an "onion snow."  I tucked that phrase away in my head for later when I could Google it.  I love to Google--Here's what I found!

Pussy Willows wear caps for a reason
" Apparently, the term “onion snow” isn’t as widely known as I’d thought. Here in Central Pennsylvania, it’s a common expression for an early spring snow that comes right when the onions are sprouting in the garden. The dark green tops of wild onions are also highly visible around field edges at this time (and in centuries past, were mixed with other early greens for a welcome antidote against scurvy)."

1 comment:

  1. I had to go out and shovel several inches of snow today. Hard and compacted, it was way too hard for this time of year. Jackets are back on outdoors. The snow keeps snowing.. April. We may see green in april. :)
