Happy Holidays

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Moving Year

For the past many, many years we've been building the log cottage of our dreams.  We started in 1991, laying on the first round of logs.  Each summer we'd get another round finished.  The progress was much slower than we'd ever anticipated, but this year we finally were ready to start moving in.  Although we still have no doors, no kitchen, and no fire place, it is a wonderful sight to see our things began to shape our new living quarters.

The first room on our agenda was our bedroom.  We've been staying in a small guest house since the ceiling began leaking on us in the back room of the main cottage.  It just didn't feel right sleeping in our raincoats or having plastic sheets covering us while we slept.

The walls in our new house have yet to be finished. A few quilts and our collection of refinished furniture pieces make it home.

On the opposite side of our suite we've set up our new Mission style chairs and a few other pieces so we can relax and play with our computers.  For the first time we have a satellite dish mounted on a tower that gives us the luxury of using our computers on the internet.  We love keeping up with our email and of course checking up on what's happening in the world.  This month it's been whether the Canadian Postal Service will return to work.  Our internet service allows us to shop, but delivery comes by CPS.

The back half of the upstairs is still under construction.  We're looking forward to another two bedrooms and storage.  If you happen to be heading this way for a visit.  We have already begun setting up sleeping accommodations for you.  The best location on the second floor is overlooking the bay, with lots of warm, morning sunshine to awake to.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Experiencing Spring X 2

Plume tree blossoms
I worried that spring would never come while we were at our house in PA.  I watched for daffodils to bloom but they hardly made a showing.  Then my gardening expert friend told me that I shouldn't have cropped back the leaves last year.  I'd stolen their ability to produce a full bloom for this year.  Lesson learned I won't attack them again.  Next year will be beautiful.

Canadian Anemones
Now that we're safely perched on our island in Saskatchewan spring is popping again.  We arrived in time to see the fruit trees bloom and the chives and anemones are happily looking skyward.

They are blooming profusely all over the beach and the garden area.  Each year they spread farther and wider.  It's a great welcoming sight.

I've learned to identify a crop of wildflowers not previously known to me in the US.  However this year a new and exciting flower appeared near the new cottage we've built.  It's very showy and magnificent.

Here is my newest challenge.  I've got to research this beauty and give it a name.  In the meantime, I'll protect it and hope it can reproduce and return for more admirers to enjoy next spring